May 2022 Newsletter
Jason Van Meter, Chief of Police • May 01, 2022

As we approach the busy season for the Ranch, I have a lofty goal of NO injury crashes on the Ranch this summer.

To help achieve our goal you will see some new police employees on the Ranch. We hired our first-ever Community Service Officer or CSO for short. Our CSO is not a sworn officer however will be riding around the Ranch educating owners and guests as to the rules and regulations of the Ranch.


Our first-ever CSO is Daisy Patterson. Daisy is a Senior at Sisters High School where she had a great 4-year career on the Wrestling team and the Softball team. She will be a great asset to the community, educating guests about various safety items. We also have a new volunteer, Bethanne Blann from Camp Sherman. She will be working at the Police Department helping with various educational programs we are planning throughout the summer. We are excited to have her around the Ranch.


Some law and rule reminders:


DUII: All BBR sworn officers will be going through DUII refresher training this month. If we stop a person who is impaired that person will be taken to the Deschutes County Jail for processing. Please call for a ride or plan for a ride. BBR PD will investigate where that person was drinking and fine the server for serving a visibly intoxicated person. 


PEDESTRIANS and BICYCLISTS: Bikes and Pedestrians on the bike path. Vehicles on the roadway. Drive with due regard to each other, yield, or stop when in doubt. Road bikes, stay on the bike path if you desire to ride on the Ranch. Bikes on the bike path, stop for stop signs. If you violate a rule or law and are contacted by Police, we are carrying out the desire of the dozens of emails I get from Ranch owners to better enforce these laws. (Pro-tip: Profanity toward an officer is a poor way of accepting responsibility for a violation, we have body cameras and I hope in the future to post videos of violator behavior on our new website so you can see our side of the contact).


SKATEBOARDS (ONE WHEEL ELECTRIC INCLUDED): Not allowed on the Ranch, not even on the bike path. No Skateboarding on the Ranch. Sisters High School has an amazing skate park, like a professional-grade trick park. Drop off the kids at the Skatepark and eat some delicious food downtown.   


LEASH RULE: Dogs are required to be on a leash while visiting the Ranch. We will be handing out cool dog bandanas and with permission featuring the K9 on our website. BBR PD loves all pets so if you want one for your cat or other pet, we are into featuring those pets as well.


WOMEN’S SELF-DEFENSE: May 3rd at 5:30 PM. Call Jessica for details and to save a spot. (541) 595 2191. 


My goal is to have the safest summer on record, I am really looking forward to the warm weather and increased activity on the ranch. Please send me an email with any questions or concerns,  

Jason Van Meter, Chief of Police


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